
Monday, June 28, 2010

Michael's Mess

For this weeks post I decided to share an article that combined three of my loves- organizing (duh), mental illness (it’s the social worker in me), and my hometown (article is from the Washington Post). It is an eloquently written piece that allows the reader a glimpse into the life of a compulsive hoarder. This honest yet funny portrayal of a man who cannot bear to get rid of anything (even a copy of a book he already owns!)  is any organizers nightmare. However, he discusses the issue that this might in fact be a genetic condition and not just a case of laziness or messiness. I’m not going to give a whole summary here because really, it speaks for itself. So without further ado,

Click me!

(h/t -I finally learned what that means!!- A.S.)

Also, please leave comments as I am curious to hear what others think of this issue. Do you believe it is in fact a true psychological disorder? Or do you think people are using that as an excuse to be slobs? Post here!


Keshet said...

Hi! Becca told me about your blog, super cool! I can use some organizing:) And the intersection between scrapbooking and organizing--lots to say there! Becca mentioned you scrapbook, too?

And I definitely think it's a disorder--an OCD type thing, maybe.

Aliza said...

Hey! Thanks for checking in! Btw, I LOVE your blog!! And i am totally in awe of your scrapbooking room- it is beautiful! (And an organizers dream!)

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