
Monday, June 7, 2010

Quick Tip #642

Here are a couple of “Go Green” tips from a variety of sources. Credit is given where credit is due.

Tip #1 (courtesy of my Mother): Instead of just throwing out old underwear or undershirts, use them as rags! [Clean] undies make great cloths to clean up spills, dust shelves, and for every day wipe ups around the house.  And before you wrinkle your nose and go “ew” just think of all the paper towels you will save! Cut off the elastic, use the pair a couple of times, and once they’ve served their full use, then you can chuck ‘em.

Tip #2
(courtesy of Good Housekeeping magazine, April 2010): When you’re done reading the latest issue of US Weekly, use those scandalous celebs to hold your boots up. Roll the magazine and stuff it into your boots in order to help maintain the shape and to keep them from flopping over and creating more mess on your closet floor. (My take: I did this, and it required more than just one magazine, so you might have to use your latest People mag in there too. So long Brangelina- enjoy holding my shoes up!)

Tip #3 (I came up with this one in college): Have a ton of spare change and don’t know where to keep it? Cut the top off of an old water bottle and start dumping it in there. Then when it’s full, take it to a machine that transforms change into cash (you’ll feel like you just won the jackpot! Or wait, no, that’s the other way around, isn’t it?) Well either way, you’ll feel like you made some extra cash, when really it was sitting there all along! And if you’re feeling Martha Stewart-ish, you can even get some ribbon or fabric to tie around the bottle giving it a fancier look.


kidmuto said...

Just remember that those machines always take a cut of the dough.. You could just take them to the bank!

Unknown said...

yeah but THAT requires rolling and sorting coins and having your hands smell like metal for 2 days!

Aliza said...

Kids, kids, I was referring to the FREE machines IN the BANKS. Both TD Bank and Sovereign are just two examples of banks where all you have to do is dump your change (no sorting or rolling required) into a machine and it prints up a ticket, then you take it to the teller and get cash. Ta da! And you don't even have to be a member of these banks to use the machines.

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